Monday, March 31, 2014

More Pictures!

Here are the newest pictures of the yurt. We hope to finish all of the sheetrock this week, so maybe within the next few days I will be able to show you more.

Welcome to the yurt.


Living room



Walkway from bedroom to laundry

Laundry looking into the bathroom.


Nook for kids beds

Looking out towards front door.

From Kitchen to Livingroom

Mud Princess

More pictures to follow as we make progress!  

Monday, March 24, 2014

Roughed In

The Chief and I spent many hours going back and forth about the layout of the space and we think this is the best option for us, but we shall see once we move in.

Here is the inside of our yurt with just the walls roughed in.


Living room 

From kitchen looking into living room.

Looking into the bathroom.

From Bathroom  to Laundry/Closet

                                   Walkway from Laundry/Closet to Bedroom 

Master Bedroom (Only Bedroom)

Our nook for the kids bunk beds 

There it is! 

I don't want to overload everyone at once with all these pictures so I will post the newest pictures in a few days. 

I know some people won't understand why we want to move into a much smaller space, but when I look back at the pioneers of this country and see what they had, a one room house or less, I know we can make this work and have chosen the right path for our family. 

I feel like a pioneer venturing out into the unknown, going against the grain of society, and rediscovering our past! 

Take the path less traveled! It isn't always fun but it does have a exceptional view!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I has been a long time since I have given you a look into our lives. Quite honestly the past six months has been a bit depressing. Lots of stuff has happened, good and bad, and it has been hard to put into words just how everything was going.

The building process pretty much stalled out at the end of last summer and we didn't get started on the yurt until the end of last November. This is how far we had gotten as of the beginning of December. All the rain we had really put us behind where we would have liked to have been.

Here are the piers that the yurt will be standing on.

All the piers are up and the floor joists are being laid out.

The platform is ready for the yurt.

Center ring going up.
Rafters being installed.

                    Done with the rafters
View from the inside.

Roof on and attaching the sidewall insulation.

Attaching the sidewall.

The yurt is up!

All of this work was done before January and we currently have walls built out on the inside and in the next post I will show you what that looks like. I don't want this to get too long!